Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Pidato Bahasa Inggris: “Kartini Day”

Contoh naskah pidato Bahasa Inggris (a sample of English speech script). Topic: Women’s Rights and Emancipation. Title: Kartini Day (Hari Kartini).
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend this English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
In this good opportunity, I would like to say many thanks to the adjudicators and MC who have given me chance to deliver an English speech in front of you all.
My great appreciation also goes to all the teachers, students, and participants who have come to this place.
Ladies and Gentlemen…
The title of my speech is “Kartini Day”.
We all know… every year, on 21st April, Indonesian people always celebrate Kartini Day. The commemoration of Kartini Day is based on the life story of RA Kartini who is widely regarded as a national Indonesian heroine in the women’s rights and  emancipation.
RA Kartini was born on 21st April, 1879 in Jepara, Central Java. Her father, Raden Mas Sosroningrat, was the chief of Jepara Regency. At the time, Java was still a part of Dutch Colonies. Until the late 19th century and early 20thcentury, Indonesian women did not have the equal rights as men obtained. Women could not get higher education. They were also forbidden to choose their ways of life, such as expressing ideas or opinion and choosing husband.
Brothers and Sisters…
At the time, Javanese women could not attend school. Fortunately, because Kartini was born into a family with a strong intellectual tradition, she was then allowed to attend school until she was 12 years old. She learned much, including Dutch Language. After she turned 12 years old she was ‘secluded’ at home, a common practice among Javanese nobility, to prepare young girls for their marriage. During seclusion, girls were not allowed to leave their parents’ house until they were married. Kartini continued to educate herself on her own. Because Kartini could speak Dutch, she acquired several Dutch pen friends. One of them, a girl by the name of Rosa Abendanon, became her very close friend. Kartini read many kinds of books, newspapers and magazines about feminist thinking. They inspired and supported Kartini to improve the conditions of Javanese women who had a very low social status.
The letters from Kartini to her friends, especially Rosa Abendanon, were mainly about her views of the social conditions prevailing at that time, particularly the condition of native Indonesian women. She protested the tendency of Javanese Culture to impose obstacles for the development of women. She depicted the sufferings of Javanese women fettered by tradition, unable to study, secluded, and must be prepared to participate in polygamous marriages with men they don’t know.
Seven years later after Kartini died, her letters were compiled and published into a book in 1912. The book was titled: “Door Duisternis tot Licht” or known as “Out of Dark Comes Light” (Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang).

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